Thứ Sáu, 30 tháng 8, 2013

PAX: Double Fine Making DLC for PlayStation 4’s The Playroom

During a PlayStation event at PAX tonight, Double Fine revealed that it will create upcoming downloadable content for The Playroom, PlayStation 4’s AR game collection.

No details about the DLC have been revealed (including price or release date), but expect more information leading up to PlayStation 4's launch in November.

The Playroom is a collection of mini-games that utilizes the PlayStation 4 camera. At Gamescom last week, Sony confirmed that it will be pre-installed on every PlayStation 4.

This marks yet another new project for Double Fine, which previously announced work on Massive Chalice, a turn-based tactics game that received Kickstarter funding earlier this year. Double Fine is also working on its original Kickstarter project, Broken Age, which will soon come to Steam Early Access.

Andrew Goldfarb is IGN’s news editor. Keep up with pictures of the latest food he’s been eating by following @garfep on Twitter or garfep on IGN.

Source : feeds[dot]ign[dot]com

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