Thứ Bảy, 31 tháng 8, 2013

Hang Out With IGN At PAX This Weekend

This year IGN is going to be all over PAX. Where can you see us this year? Check out all of our big events below:

IGN's PAX Party and Indie Showcase

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"Join IGN at Rock Bottom Brewery in downtown Seattle on Saturday the 31st for a night of drinks, food, games and Greg Miller scaring small children! We've partnered up with Midnight City, a brand new indie publishing company from former IGN Editor In Chief Casey Lynch and we'll be showing off tons of games they'll be publishing. IGN's own Greg Miller, Daemon Hatfield, Mitch Dyer, Jose Otero, Sean Finnegan, Tim Geddes and Sean Allen will be hanging out all night, drinking, gaming, and partying with the IGN community. (When you see Mitch, make sure to talk to him about the finer points of Boy Meets World, he loves it!)"

Where: Rock Bottom Restaurant & Brewery, 1333 5th Ave, Seattle, WA 98101 When: Saturday 8/31 7PM - 11PM Pacific Time.

The event is first come first serve, get there early to reserve yourself a spot. The event is also all ages, so bring the whole family down!

IGN Game Scoop! Presents 5 Wild Next-Gen Predictions


"Join Daemon, Greg, Mitch, Jose and a few special friends as they sit down, record a podcast, and discuss what the next generation of games means to you. They’ll also probably ramble about nonsense and shout a lot… OK, that last part will mostly be Greg."

Where: Serpent Theatre When: Monday 9/2 11:30AM - 12:30PM

Sean Allen is IGN's Community Manager and Social Media Robocop. He is currently trying to decide if Miley Cyrus would be a Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw. Be sure to follow him Sean on Twitter to help him decide.

Source : feeds[dot]ign[dot]com

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