Thứ Sáu, 30 tháng 8, 2013

IGN Assemble! #95 - The Zombie Squad

This week, we get around to talking about the Ben Affleck/Batman and James Spader/Ultron casting news, alongside Marvel's new digital initiative and Amanda Waller making an appearance on Arrow. Plus: Snake Plissken comics, the best of Jack Kirby, and music/comics pairings. Please note that due to technical difficulties, we had to use a back-up recording and thus, the audio is not quite as crisp as we'd like. Sorry.

As for this week's comics, we talk: Justice League, Batman Incorporated Special, Batman/Superman, Aquaman, The Flash, American Vampire Anthology, FF, Wolverine and the X-Men, and Lazarus.

As always, there are spoilers for everything discussed, so you've been warned.

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IGN Assemble! Podcast: Episode #95

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Joey Esposito

Benjamin Bailey


Joey is IGN's Comics Editor and a comic book creator himself. Follow Joey on Twitter, or find him on IGN. He will love Star Wars until the end of his days.

Source : feeds[dot]ign[dot]com

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