Thứ Năm, 29 tháng 8, 2013

EA: We Aren't Favouring Microsoft Over Sony

EA's COO has reiterated that the company isn't favouring Microsoft over Sony, despite a host of decisions that would seem to suggest otherwise.

In an interview with Games Industry, Peter Moore asserted that despite exclusive games like Titanfall and the fact EA is offering free copies of FIFA 14 with every pre-ordered Xbox One in Europe, the publisher is remaining neutral in the battle for next-generation dominance.

"We have relationships with both companies that go back many many years, so I think that what you saw yesterday was, just from a phasing perspective, you saw a little bit more of the Microsoft stuff," he explained. "We have a lot of partnership opportunities with Sony, with the PlayStation 4, which we have done for many many years, that maybe we should start talking more about.

Microsoft, particularly in Europe, feels it needs to catch up a little bit with the PlayStation brand.

"But it may have seemed that way, I don't think that we're favouring one over the other, we love them both dearly. It's important to the publishing community that both are very successful and I think they will be very successful. I think the gamers, the fanboys, I'm an Xbox guy, I'm a PlayStation guy, they're going to make their choices. I see a lot of talk about people who are going to try to get both.

"Microsoft has been very aggressive with us, as had Sony, we're a very powerful publisher obviously, that has the ability to deliver great content and makes a difference on their platforms, and they want to make sure they get that."

Yesterday, Sony's Jim Ryan stated he thought the deal done between Microsoft and EA over FIFA 14 was "rather odd" and explained he assumed it was because Microsoft was uncomfortable with its pre-order figures. It seems Moore agrees, as he explained what went into the deal happening.

"Microsoft, particularly in Europe, feels it needs to catch up a little bit with the PlayStation brand and this is one way to do it," he revealed. "You take soccer and you add Europe to the mix and then you bring it together. And I suspect as well Microsoft is looking at ways to add value, as I'm sure Sony is here to make the price points feel a little bit more of a bargain. We sat down a while back and talked about this and that's how it happened."

What do you reckon, is EA showing Microsoft preference over Sony, or do you think it'll all balance out once the next-generation hits its stride? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

Luke Karmali is IGN's UK Junior Editor. You too can revel in mediocrity by following him on IGN and on Twitter.

Source : feeds[dot]ign[dot]com

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