Thứ Sáu, 20 tháng 9, 2013

What is The Craziest Thing You've Done in GTA 5?

There are a lot of different things you could do in Grand Theft Auto V. From sky diving to going on a murderous rampage, the city of Los Santos is a place where all of your hopes and dreams can come true.

We asked people on Twitter to send us the craziest thing they've done in the game so far. You'll be surprised what people will do in Los Santos when they're not robbing banks.

The sky was the limit for these people

@IGN the coolest thing

— Patrick Mills (@patomills) September 20, 2013

@IGN I took a helicopter up to a Blimp and landed on it. It's a pretty awesome view from up there. Jumped off and recovered in hospital.

— Jake Flaxman (@jakeflaxman) September 20, 2013

@IGN Got mauled by a mountain lion and died taking a selfie of me and an elk I set on fire #GTA5

— DarvOH (@DarvOH) September 20, 2013

@IGN Got into a fist fight with a mountain lion, attacked by a shark, and took a selfie of Trevor with his recent victim in frame. Gold.

— Artie Negron (@artieisfake) September 20, 2013

That makes him a good guy, right?

@IGN Stopped a mugging right before I robbed a convenience store.

— PixelOmen (@PixelOmen) September 20, 2013

@IGN Hijacked a Jumbo Jet and crash landed it on a moving Bus, all while under 5 star wanted level! Chased me for 22 mins but I evaded them!

— Rufio (@xRufio801x) September 20, 2013

This guy might have a point

@IGN Too many things to explain on 140 characters

— Christian G. Ortega (@COR1996) September 20, 2013

He deserves an applause

@IGN I tried yoga for the first time, ever.

— Clayton Steckel (@csteckel) September 20, 2013

Grand Theft Auto in a nutshell?

@IGN making it rain like a balla in the strip club on dem hoes cause In reality ur broke and could never do that, that's dollar menu money

— Gregg Unlimited (@RyusUpperCut) September 20, 2013

Can you give these guys a run for their money? Let us know in the comments below!

Eriq Martin controls IGN's Twitter and Facebook. He came through like a wrecking ball. You can read all of his nonsense on Twitter and MyIGN

Source : feeds[dot]ign[dot]com

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