Thứ Tư, 18 tháng 9, 2013

Bloodshot and the H.A.R.D. Corps #14 Review

bloodshot14Maybe it's the new title and focus, maybe it's the new creative team, or maybe Bloodshot is just finally catching a break, but this comic is absolutely amazing. The newly branded Bloodshot and the H.A.R.D. Corps takes one huge step in the right direction and looks like it's about to become the action title we always hoped it would be. Plus, it looks great. Let's hope these folks can keep this up, cause we could use more comics like this.

Christos Gage and Joshua Dysart take control of our nano-botted hero in this month and they do one hell of a job. The chief achievement here is how grounded this story feels. Sure, this is still a comic about super soldiers and superhumans with mind powers, but there's a sense of character that wasn't here before. Plus, this issue just reads silky smooth. Bloodshot deserved better than he was getting and this issue delivers on the promise the character always had. It's time to get excited about the adventures of this pale-skinned menace.

As great as the story and characters are, the absolute best thing about this comic is the pencil work of Emanuela Lupacchino. Her artwork is beautiful and absolutely engrossing. This is a character driven issue that's light on action and Lupacchino brings it to life with gorgeous detail and movement. Bloodshot looks better than ever, so let's hope that Valiant keeps Lupacchino around. If you dropped off this series a while back, now is the time to give it another shot. You won't be disappointed.

Benjamin is the co-writer of Captain Ultimate and a vicious lover of Godzilla. Follow Benjamin on Twitter @616Earth, or find him on IGN.

Source : feeds[dot]ign[dot]com

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