Thứ Sáu, 20 tháng 9, 2013

Latest Star Wars: Episode VII Casting Rumors Include David Oyelowo and Michael B. Jordan

Yesterday we heard that Hanna star Saoirse Ronan was reading for Star Wars: Episode VII, and now today more casting chatter is flowing through us (like the Force!).

These rumors once again come from Latino Review, who have a solid history with their scoops. But unlike a lot of the previous casting hints we've heard, this latest bit does not appear to be for one of the children of Luke, Han, or Leia.

Apparently, The Butler’s David Oyelowo and Fruitvale Station’s Michael B. Jordan have both been contacted for an unknown role or roles. Jordan, who has also been rumored for the Fantastic Four reboot (as Johnny Storm), even apparently met with Episode VII director J.J. Abrams personally. (Both actors, by the way, appeared in the George Lucas-produced Red Tails a couple of years back.)


David Oyelowo and Michael B. Jordan are said to be up for Star Wars: Episode VII.

Who could they be playing? There's no way to know, as the new films are expected to ditch all the Expanded Universe characters and stories and start fresh. But hey, it can't hurt to speculate in the comments anyway!

Talk to Senior Editor Scott Collura on Twitter at @ScottIGN, on IGN at scottcollura and on Facebook.

Source : feeds[dot]ign[dot]com

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