Chủ Nhật, 22 tháng 9, 2013

Watch Christian Bale's Batman Audition

One of the goodies on the forthcoming Blu-ray release of The Dark Knight Trilogy: Ultimate Collector's Edition is Christian Bale's screen test for the lead role in Batman Begins.

The audition, which can be seen below, is notable for a few things. First, Bale is already using his divisive Bat-Voice (albeit a toned down version of it) and is wearing Val Kilmer's Batsuit from Batman Forever. And reading opposite him in the role of Rachel Dawes is none other than Amy Adams, who would star opposite Bale in two future films (The Fighter and the upcoming American Hustle), and would also eventually play Lois Lane in Man of Steel.

The featurettes also confirm old rumors that director Christopher Nolan initially offered Gary Oldman the role of Ra's Al Ghul, but he turned it down. As you know, Oldman would end up playing Commissioner Gordon with Liam Neeson cast as Ra's instead.

Via Batman-News and Dark Horizons.

Source : feeds[dot]ign[dot]com

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