Thứ Năm, 19 tháng 9, 2013

TGS: Sony Confirms PS4 Gesture and Voice Control

Good news, everyone: Sony confirmed the PlayStation 4 will support gesture and voice control via the PlayStation Camera at TGS yesterday.

The confirmation follows a listing on Amazon back in August that suggested the camera had the functionality. “From navigational voice commands to facial recognition, the PlayStation Camera adds incredible innovation to your gaming."

Sony also confirmed yesterday that users will be able capture gameplay footage via HDMI. Both features further align the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, as Microsoft’s new console also offers voice recognition via Kinect and will support capture devices.

The confirmation comes via Engadget. 

Lucy is Entertainment Editor at IGN AU. Follow her ramblings on IGN and Twitter. 

Source : feeds[dot]ign[dot]com

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