Thứ Hai, 23 tháng 9, 2013

IGN AU Pubcast 79: Viva Los Santos!

Remember that shortlived late-'90s sitcom with the strangely specific title that comprehensively detailed both the quantity and gender of its leading trio of characters? Two Guys, A Girl and a Pizza Place? That's this fortnight's Pubcast in a nutshell. Suffering from a devastating case of the everybody-else-is-overseasies, the Pubcast squad has been pruned down to Jem, Baker, and Luke (who are all aware that, as a result, they need to be twice as funny).


So, a little more Nathan Fillion and a little less... wait, who IS that guy in the middle?

In related news, there appear to have been a more guys and girls in that deceptively-titled sitcom than we thought, rendering everything you just read moot. So, er, on with the Pubcast!

Episode 79!

  • Grand Theft Auto V! Baker hasn't finished it yet, even with all the Taiwanese Red Bull. We still talk about it for approximately forever.
  • Speaking of Baker, Baker speculates on what Sandra Bullock may call her breasts.
  • Speaking of breasts, Jem recounts her first GTA V lap dance and wonders aloud why she chose the blonde, tattooed stripper that most resembled her.
  • Speaking of GTA V, how good is GTA V? Seriously, it's like The Sims, only more realistic.
  • The official Xbox One release date for Japan is a shrug. There, we decided it.
  • Why the Finnish should be allowed to name all new games for the immediate future.
  • Why Jem never owned an original Xbox but would do a kegstand if required.
  • At least two Bryan Brown movies that need to be made into games.
  • Plus your questions answered in the usual Facebook Mailbag!

Download it today! Episode 79!

And don't forget you can check out (almost) all the previous episodes on iTunes. And hey, why not subscribe while you're there? Also! Come join the IGN Australia Facebook community and follow us on Twitter.

Source : feeds[dot]ign[dot]com

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