Chủ Nhật, 22 tháng 9, 2013

Colin Farrell and Paula Patton Offered Lead Roles in Warcraft Movie

Legendary Pictures and Atlas Entertainment have reportedly made offers to Colin Farrell and Paula Patton (Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol, 2 Guns) to star in their Duncan Jones-directed adaptation of the Blizzard video game Warcraft.

Deadline claims they're "not sure that Farrell is going to make a deal–sources said it’s 50/50 – and Jones is testing other actors for the major roles." Patton is said to be in negotiations for an unspecified leading role.

Paula Patton in Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol.

Paula Patton in Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol.

Although Warcraft is currently without a studio, it's expected to land at Universal Pictures, which recently sealed a deal with Legendary to become their new home after Legendary parted ways with Warner Bros.

Warcraft begins filming in January.

One of the nicest surprises at this past summer's San Diego Comic-Con was Legendary's conceptual sizzle reel for Warcraft. The footage had a sci-fi western feel, sort of like a fantasy version of the silent, tense opening of Once Upon a Time in the West. Click here for the full breakdown of what we saw.

Source : feeds[dot]ign[dot]com

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