Thứ Năm, 19 tháng 9, 2013

Alan Moore: "I Am Not The Northampton Clown."

Alan Moore, the reserved and eccentric author of some of the most popular graphic novels of our time, has come out and answered what the question we were all thinking (well, some of us): no, he is not the Northampton Clown.

If you've been living in a cave, you may not have heard of the strange, curiously evil-looking clown lurking around the streets of the British town of Northampton. But Northampton resident Moore certainly has, and the author of V for Vendetta and The Watchmen is quick to insist he's not the clown, despite any similarities between fact and fiction.

Northampton Clown

“Apparently there had been a certain amount of comment on the internet suggesting probably some connection. No it’s not me," he told the Northampton Herald and Post.

“I am getting kind of used to this. After having a comic strip I wrote 30 years ago spewing masked anarchists across the global political stage for the past couple of years. Things that I write do have a tendency to spill into reality."

So the question remains. If the clown isn't Northampton's most wildly imaginative resident, just who could he be? The clown - who comes off as quite a nice sort on his Facebook page - recently granted an interview with a local Northampton newspaper, insisting he "just wants to amuse people."

Lucy is Entertainment Editor at IGN AU. Follow her ramblings on IGN and Twitter. 

Source : feeds[dot]ign[dot]com

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