Thứ Năm, 19 tháng 9, 2013

TGS: PS4 to Support Video Capture Via HDMI

Although very few of us watching actually caught the news, Sony announced the PlayStation 4 will support video capture via HDMI at its TGS Keynote today.

The announcement was followed up in a Tweet by Brad Douglas, Head of Third-party Relations for Sony Computer Entertainment.

I think we just announced that we're going to allow video capture of games over HDMI! "Details will follow soon."

— Brad Douglas (@kazamatsuri) September 19, 2013

Polygon later confirmed the news with Douglas while at the show.

The PlayStation 3 blocks the use of capture over HDMI, although the system's support for component connections has allowed users to work around the DRM. In August, Microsoft confirmed the Xbox One will support gameplay capture devices, just as it did on the 360.

Lucy is Entertainment Editor at IGN AU. Follow her ramblings on IGN and Twitter. 

Source : feeds[dot]ign[dot]com

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