Thứ Năm, 19 tháng 9, 2013

GameCase: The First Controller for iOS 7

With the launch of iOS 7, Apple is at long last embracing traditional controllers for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. With new OS-level API support for controllers, developers and hardware makers will be able to adopt one standardized platform for console or handheld-style gameplay experiences. While Apple has confirmed that devices from Logitech and MOGA are in the works, the first solution is being unveiled today, and it's called the GameCase.

Developed by ClamCase — previously known for its line of iPad keyboards — the GameCase snaps onto iOS devices and provides side-mounted grips with fullsized dual-analog thumbsticks, action buttons, triggers, shoulder buttons, and a d-pad. While many facets of the design are still being finalized — exact specs, build materials, etc. — the GameCase will connect to iOS devices via Bluetooth and will be powered by a built-in rechargeable lithium-ion polymer battery that ClamCase says will offer a "hefty" battery life. Based on the preliminary renders, however, the GameCase is one of the most full-featured and well-designed mobile controllers we've seen, sporting a large, textured controller grips, a silver finish, and convex, ridged thumbsticks.

Because of iOS 7's unified controller APIs, games won't need to be developed or updated specifically for the GameCase — any game with iOS gamepad support will work. Naturally, certain controls may be disabled if a game only calls for, say, the d-pad and action buttons, but developers won't have to go out of their way to make their titles compatible.

The first known title to add support for iOS controllers is Aliens Vs. Predator: Evolution, which was updated earlier this month, but ClamCase expects the number of controller-enabled games to grow rapidly before the GameCase launches.


ClamCase is still finalizing the GameCase design in preparation for a late 2013 or early 2014 debut. Currently, GameCase is being shown off for the iPad mini, but ClamCase will eventually offer versions designed for other iOS-enabled products. Pricing and detailed specs will be released at a later date.

Scott Lowe is IGN's resident tech expert and first-person shooter fanatic. You can follow him on Twitter at @ScottLowe and on MyIGN at Scott-IGN.

Source : feeds[dot]ign[dot]com

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